Wednesday 13 December 2023

Effective Kidney And Prostate Cancer Treatments In Delhi | Dr.Anshuman Agarwal


Cancer is a challenging and complex disease that requires specialized care from experienced medical professionals. When it comes to kidney cancer and prostate cancer, early detection and timely treatment play a crucial role in achieving successful outcomes. In Delhi, one name that stands out in the field of urology is Dr. Anshuman Agarwal . With his expertise and commitment to personalized care, Dr. Agarwal offers effective treatment options for kidney and prostate cancer patients, ensuring the best possible outcomes.

The Importance of Early Detection

Early detection is key to successfully treating kidney cancer and prostate cancer. Dr. Agarwal emphasizes the significance of regular screenings and diagnostic tests to identify these cancers at an early stage. By detecting cancer in its early stages, treatment options are more effective, and the chances of a complete recovery are significantly higher. Dr. Agarwal educates his patients about the importance of early detection and encourages them to undergo regular check-ups to catch any signs of cancer early on.

Kidney Cancer Treatment Options

Dr. Anshuman Agarwal offers a range of effective options for kidney cancer treatment , tailored to each patient's specific needs. These treatment options may include:

Surgery: Surgical intervention is often the primary treatment for kidney cancer. Dr. Agarwal specializes in minimally invasive surgical techniques, such as laparoscopic or robotic-assisted surgery, which offer several benefits, including smaller incisions, reduced blood loss, and faster recovery times.

Cryotherapy: In cases where surgery may not be suitable, cryotherapy can be an effective alternative. This procedure involves freezing cancer cells using extremely cold temperatures, which destroys the tumor.

Targeted Therapy: Targeted therapy utilizes drugs that specifically target cancer cells, blocking their growth and spread. Dr. Agarwal stays updated with the latest advancements in targeted therapy and incorporates them into his treatment plans, ensuring optimal results for his patients.

Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy harnesses the body's immune system to fight cancer. It stimulates the immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. Dr. Agarwal evaluates each patient's eligibility for immunotherapy and recommends it when appropriate.

Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

Dr. Anshuman Agarwal specializes in offering comprehensive and personalized plans for prostate cancer treatment . The treatment options he provides include:

Active Surveillance: For patients with low-risk or early-stage prostate cancer, active surveillance may be a suitable approach. It involves close monitoring of the cancer's progression without immediate treatment.

Surgery: Surgical removal of the prostate gland, known as a prostatectomy, is a common treatment option for prostate cancer. Dr. Agarwal has expertise in performing minimally invasive robotic-assisted prostatectomies, which offer faster recovery and reduced complications.

Radiation Therapy: Dr. Agarwal may recommend radiation therapy, either external beam radiation or brachytherapy (internal radiation), depending on the patient's specific condition. Radiation therapy uses high-energy beams to kill cancer cells or prevent their growth.

Hormone Therapy: Prostate cancer often relies on male hormones, such as testosterone, for growth. Hormone therapy aims to block or reduce the production of these hormones, inhibiting the cancer's growth. Dr. Agarwal prescribes hormone therapy when appropriate, either as a standalone treatment or in combination with other therapies.

Personalized Care and Support

Dr. Anshuman Agarwal understands that every patient is unique and requires personalized care. He takes the time to listen to his patients, understand their concerns, and develop customized treatment plans that prioritize their well-being and quality of life. Dr. Agarwal and his team provide comprehensive support throughout the treatment journey, ensuring that patients and their families receive the necessary guidance and care.


When it comes to kidney cancer and prostate cancer treatment in Delhi, Dr. Anshuman Agarwal is a renowned urologist who offers effective and personalized care. With a focus on early detection and a wide range of treatment options, including surgery, targeted therapy, and more, Dr. Agarwal ensures the best possible outcomes for his patients. If you or your loved ones are facing kidney cancer or prostate cancer, consult with Dr. Agarwal to receive expert guidance and comprehensive treatment plans tailored to your unique needs.

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    Thursday 1 June 2023

    Exploring the Latest Advances in Kidney Cancer Treatment and Understanding What Options are Available


    Kidney cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and it can be difficult to treat. But with the latest advances in treatment options, there is hope for those affected by this disease. In this article, we will explore the latest advances in kidney cancer treatments and understand what options are available for renal cancer sufferers. We will look at different types of therapies, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. We will also discuss the potential benefits and risks associated with each type of treatment. Finally, we will discuss how people can make informed decisions about their kidney cancer treatment plan.


    Introduction: What is Kidney Cancer and How is it Diagnosed?

    Kidney cancer is a type of cancer that affects the cells of the kidney. It is also known as renal cell carcinoma or renal cell cancer. The most common symptom of kidney cancer is blood in the urine, however, other symptoms may include pain in the side, a lump in the abdomen, fever, weight loss and fatigue.

    Diagnosing kidney cancer can be done through several tests such as imaging scans (MRI or CT scan), biopsy and urine tests. Imaging scans can help detect tumors and other abnormalities in the kidneys while biopsy helps to determine if there are any malignant cells present. Urine tests are used to detect any proteins or substances that may be indicative of kidney cancer.

    Overview of the Different Types of Kidney Cancer Treatments

    Kidney cancer is a serious and life-threatening disease that requires prompt treatment. There are several different types of treatments available for kidney cancer, depending on the type and stage of the cancer. These treatments can include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and other approaches. In this article, we will provide an overview of the different types of kidney cancer treatments available today. We will discuss renal cell carcinoma treatment options as well as radiation therapy for kidney cancer and chemotherapy for kidney cancer. We will also discuss other approaches such as targeted therapy and immunotherapy that may be used in some cases.


    Exploring the Latest Advancements in Treatment Options and Their Benefits

    In recent years, there have been significant advancements in the treatment of kidney cancer. Immunotherapy, targeted therapy and cryoablation are just some of the latest treatments that are helping patients with renal cell carcinoma fight their disease. These treatments offer a number of benefits, such as fewer side effects and improved outcomes. In this article, we will explore these treatments in more detail and discuss their potential benefits for those suffering from kidney cancer.


    Understanding All Possible Side Effects of Renal Cell Carcinoma Treatments

    Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a type of cancer that begins in the cells of the kidney. Treatments for RCC can be complex, and it is important to understand all the possible risks and side effects associated with each treatment option. Chemotherapy, surgery, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy are some of the common treatments used for RCC. Each treatment carries its own set of risks and side effects, which can range from mild to severe. It is important to discuss these potential risks and side effects with your doctor before starting any treatment for RCC. In this article, we will look at some of the common risks associated with renal cell carcinoma treatments as well as some of the potential side effects of chemotherapy for RCC.



    Friday 31 March 2023

    Living as a Bladder Cancer Survivor

     Living as a bladder cancer survivor is challenging, but it is possible. There are a few key things to keep in mind when managing your health as a survivor. First of all, it is important to understand the risks associated with bladder cancer and to be vigilant about any changes in your health.

     You should make sure to keep up with your follow-up appointments and contact your doctor if you experience any unusual symptoms. Additionally, it is important to practice good habits that can help you maintain your health.

     Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking are all important steps that can help you stay healthy. Finally, don’t forget to take care of your mental health as well. Connecting with other survivors can be a great source of support and comfort, and it can help you stay positive as you navigate life as a bladder cancer survivor.

    Follow-up care

    Follow-up care is essential for bladder cancer survivors. After initial treatment, it’s important to have regular check-ups with your healthcare team to monitor your progress. Your doctor will likely order regular tests and scans to check for recurrence or spread of cancer. 

    It’s also important to stay in close contact with your doctor if you experience any new symptoms or changes in your condition. Regular follow-up care can help catch any recurrence early when it’s most treatable.

     Additionally, your doctor can guide lifestyle changes and other measures you can take to reduce your risk of bladder cancer recurrence. Follow-up care is an important part of the journey for bladder cancer survivors and should not be overlooked.

    Doctor visits and tests

    For bladder cancer survivors, regular doctor visits and tests are an important part of maintaining health and preventing recurrence. Every three months, it is important to have a physical exam which includes a digital rectal exam and a urine test to look for blood or other abnormalities.

     In addition, an ultrasound or CT scan may be required every six months to check for any changes in the bladder wall. It is also important to get regular urine tests to check for blood or abnormal cells, as well as a urine culture to test for bacteria.

     Finally, your doctor may order a cystoscopy every one to two years to look inside the bladder for any signs of cancer. Regular visits and tests can help detect any changes in your bladder cancer early and help ensure that your cancer is treated quickly and effectively.

    Bladder Cancer Treatment in Delhi

    Dr. Anshuman Agarwal is a leading expert on bladder cancer treatment in Delhi. He is a highly regarded, board-certified urologist and has more than a decade of experience in managing bladder cancer. He is an expert in state-of-the-art treatments to effectively treat bladder cancer, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. Dr. Agarwal is committed to providing comprehensive, individualized care with an emphasis on patient safety. 

    Thursday 22 September 2022

    Five Signs Tell You That You Need To Visit A Urologist


    A urologist is a specialist who has detailed knowledge about diseases of the urinary tract for men and women. The urinary tract consists of the bladder, ureter, urethra, and kidney.

    The male reproductive system will consist of the prostate, male testis, and penis. How do you know whether your problem requires you to visit the Best urologist in Delhi
     or not?

    We're here to tell you about the ten signs that let you know whether it's time to visit a urologist or not.

    Discovering blood in the urine can be one sign to tell infected kidneys. It could be a warning sign of kidney stones, bladder or kidney cancer, enlarged prostate, or infection in the bladder.

    Blood in the Urine

    As blood in the urine is more likely the symptom of the underlying issue, your urologist may consider treatment options depending on what is causing it.

    Discomfort in the Scrotum.

    If you are having testicular pain or see an unusual lump, it's time to visit a urologist. It is a symptom of the scrotal mass that should get examined by a medic. Most scrotal masses have a harmless nature and do not need any treatment. It could be a sign of a more severe medical condition, testicular cancer.

    The good news is that if it gets detected early, it is one of the most durable forms of the ailment.

    You can see your urologist as soon as possible when you experience unbearable pain or see a lump in the scrotum.

    You are having an elevated count of prostate-specific antigen levels.

    PSA is one protein initiated by the man's prostate gland. A urologist will perform a PSA test to measure the level of the protein count in the men's blood. Typically, quite a few PSA is present in the bloodstream. Nevertheless, if you have a large amount of PSA, it could be a sign of prostatitis. It's the enlarged prostate gland or may assume the form of prostate cancer.

    The urologist suggests a rectal exam or a biopsy of the prostate to test for cancer.

    You are having an enlarged prostate.

    You are likely to experience symptoms of dribbling after urination, needing to urinate frequently, and trouble urinating.

    Urologists can recommend a surgical and minimally invasive, enlarged prostate treatment system. It will help you get relief from your symptoms.


    If you and your partner are having difficulty conceiving, you can visit a Urologist in Delhi. He will be able to tell you about what is causing your infertility and give you some treatment options. Male Infertility can lead to prostate cancer. Although it is rare, you can play safe by visiting a urologist.

    Consult with Dr. Anshuman Agarwal Today

    If you're having problems related to frequent urination, or pain in the urinary tract, you can consult Dr. Anshuman Agarwal, an expert urologist in Delhi. He has benefited more than 10,000 patients.

    Being a urologist, he has multiple international and national exposure under his belt. A huge amount of experience makes him a reliable urologist.


    Friday 29 July 2022

    5 Things You Should Know About Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi

    The prostate is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancer in males worldwide. AC estimates that about 26 8490 men got
    Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi so far. The prostate is a small gland present in the lower abdomen of males.

    It is near the bladder and surrounds the urethra. 

    In addition, the prostate gland will produce a seminal fluid called semen. The gland will secret a substance that contains sperm that exits the urethra during ejaculation.

    When normal and malignant growth of cells, called tumor forms in the prostate, it's called prostate cancer that can spread to other parts of the body. 

    Since cancer cells get made from the prostate, it's prostate cancer. 

    What are the types of prostate cancer?

    Almost all cases of prostate cancer are a type of cancer called adenocarcinoma that multiplies in the tissue of the gland. Nevertheless, there is another type of cancer that originates in the prostate, and it may include small cell carcinoma and neuroendocrine tumor. 

    What are the recommended prostate cancer screening methods? 

    ACS will suggest Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi as people become older. First, it recommends men talk to doctors about the pros and cons of screening for prostate cancer during an annual exam. For males at very high risk, it's a first-degree relative, who had prostate cancer at an age less than 65. 

    Before you decide to go for the test, you need to get the information available. It has uncertainty, benefit, and risk of prostate cancer treatment.

    You and your doctor can decide on which test is better for you. Your doctor can tell you how the prostate cancer has spread using a staging system. Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi will consider the extent of the tumor, lymph node involvement, and the PSA level at the time of diagnosis.

    Friday 8 July 2022

    Best Urologist in Delhi, Senior Urologist in Delhi NCR | Dr. Anshuman

     A urologist is a specialist in treating conditions affecting the urinary tract of people and issues related to the reproductive system.   These issues range from simple problems like issues related to urination to huge problems like not being able to be parents.

     Urologists specialize in treating these disorders related to the urinary system and reproductive system.

    Problems Urologists can treat

    Urologists can treat joint and rare issues that may or may not be gender-dependent.

    Various conditions that urologists can treat are as follows: to a different 

    • Urinary tract infections

    • Blood in urine

    • Inability to control urination 

    • Problems related to the male reproductive system, such as prostatic hyperplasia, benign, etc.

    • Interstitial cystitis

    • Erectile dysfunction

    • Kidney cancer, cancer-related to prostate, etc.

    • Kidney stones

    • Problems related to Congenital urinary tract issues

    What procedures do urologists follow?

     Urologists start by doing tests to check the condition of the patients. 

    The tests that urologists usually perform are:

    • Imaging tests include ultrasound or MRI. They allow the urologists to view the interior of the urinary tract.

    • They may also ask the patient for a cystogram, which takes X-ray images of the urinary bladder.

    • A urologist may also perform a cystoscopy in which he uses a cystoscope to see the interiors of the urethra and urinary bladder.

    • They may carry out a post-void residual urine test to check the rate at which urine leaves the body while urinating. 

    • They also check the amount of urine left in the urinary bladder after urinating.

    • They may take a urine sample to check if there are bacteria in the urine that may result in infections.

    Final words

    Always try to consult the best urologist in Delhi. Talk to his prior patients and get an idea about his treatment procedures.

    If you are looking for a urologist in Delhi, make sure that you research well before choosing.

    Monday 24 May 2021

    Some of the reasons for women to see a Urologist

     Urologists are not only for men. Women may require to watch this kind of doctor, too.

    Urologists are qualified to treat issues that influence the urinary tract. This is a structure of

    muscles, tubes, and organs, like the kidneys. We are the Best urologist in Delhi

    provides world-class treatment to our patients at an affordable price. Urologists also

    treat issues with the reproductive system in both men and women. Some of the women

    might be wish to watch a uro-gynecologist. This doctor is a gynecologist with some particular

    training in treating bladder control issues and other situations consisting of the female

    reproductive system and urinary tract, like pelvic organ prolapse.

    Warning indicators of issues consisting the urinary tract consist of:

    • Bloody Urine
    • Often urges to urinate
    • Leaking urine
    • Pain in the back or sides
    • Pain or burning in the course of urination

    These symptoms may indicate the requirement to watch a Urologist or
    urogynecologist. Usual urinary conditions among women consist of:

    1) Urinary Tract Infections

    Most women will grow a urinary tract Infections (UTI) at any point in their lives. The
    infection grows when bacteria go into the urinary tract. Women with a UTI may have
    some pain or burning sensation when they urinate. They may also go through with
    an immediate urge to go to the bathroom, but then have difficulty in urinating. UTIs
    can be severe, but they also can be cured with some antibiotics.

    2) Bladder Control Problems

    Women of all age groups can have issues with bladder control. An additional name
    for this is Urinary Incontinence (UI). It is a very normal issue among women. Women
    are double as probably as men to have this issue. Women with UI may have issues
    controlling in urine, particularly when they sneeze, cough, or exercise. This is known
    as stress incontinence. Dr. Anshuman is a Senior Urologist in Delhi who has more
    than 18 years of experience in this field. Stress UI can grow when the muscles that
    backing the bladder become delicate. This may happen after pregnancy and
    childbirth or normally as women get older.

    Other situations that can cause issues with bladder control to consist of:

    • Overactive bladder- Women go through with strong and immediate urges to urinate. This occurs doubtless when the bladder is not filled properly.
    • Overflow UI- Urine leaks from the bladder because it does not empty fully.

    Bladder control treatment may consist of:

    • Exercises to build up muscles inner of the pelvis
    • Medicines
    • Implanted devices or injections
    • Surgery

    Fallen Bladder

    This situation happens when the bladder falls into the vagina. The medical word is a
    cystocele. Bladder prolapse is some other word for it. It can occur if the wall in the
    middle of the vagina and bladder becomes delicate. Most frequently this happens
    after owning a baby. Are you looking for a Urologist in Delhi then you are in right
    place. But it can also happen after lifting heavy things. Chronic coughing
    and obesity enhance the odds of the bladder dropping into the vagina. The threat
    also arises with age, due to hormone changes. Surgery can rectify the dropped

    Painful bladder syndrome

    The medical term for painful bladder disorder is interstitial cystitis (IC). It causes
    uncomfortable in the bladder or lower belly. Women may go through with the
    requirement to urinate up to sixty times a day. They may experience as if their
    bladder is all the time full. This can be agitated and distressing. The urge to urinate
    can also be immediate and acute. It can create interference with day-to-day
    activities. Some women stop social events or journey away from home. Sex can also
    be distress or painful. Doctors are yet working to work out what are the reasons
    behind IC. There is no remedy till now. But, treatment can simple the symptoms and
    boost the quality of life.

    Urinary Stones

    Objects in urine can merge to make a urinary stone in the kidneys (kidney stones) or
    bladder. This solid mass can also make in the ureters. These are the tubes that bring
    urine out of the kidneys towards the bladder. Urinary stones can give rise to burning
    in the course of urination. Women may also grow a temperature or chills. These
    stones can make urine appear or smell distinctive and the urine may behold the
    blood. Excessive use of calcium or protein in the diet can result in kidney stones.
    Urinary stones may be the outcome of other health problems. Or, they can even
    grow from several cancer treatments. Women with a UTI are also at higher threat for
    stones. Taking 2 to 3 quartz of water in 24 hours could help back out a urinary stone.
    A doctor can also split them up with an ultrasound-related treatment or eliminate
    them with surgery.


    Cancer in women can happen in different parts of the urinary tract consisting of:
    • Bladder or its lining
    • Kidneys
    • The urethra, the tube that holds urine out of the body