It is near the bladder and surrounds the urethra.
In addition, the prostate gland will produce a seminal fluid called semen. The gland will secret a substance that contains sperm that exits the urethra during ejaculation.
When normal and malignant growth of cells, called tumor forms in the prostate, it's called prostate cancer that can spread to other parts of the body.
Since cancer cells get made from the prostate, it's prostate cancer.
What are the types of prostate cancer?
Almost all cases of prostate cancer are a type of cancer called adenocarcinoma that multiplies in the tissue of the gland. Nevertheless, there is another type of cancer that originates in the prostate, and it may include small cell carcinoma and neuroendocrine tumor.
What are the recommended prostate cancer screening methods?
ACS will suggest Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi as people become older. First, it recommends men talk to doctors about the pros and cons of screening for prostate cancer during an annual exam. For males at very high risk, it's a first-degree relative, who had prostate cancer at an age less than 65.
Before you decide to go for the test, you need to get the information available. It has uncertainty, benefit, and risk of prostate cancer treatment.
You and your doctor can decide on which test is better for you. Your doctor can tell you how the prostate cancer has spread using a staging system. Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi will consider the extent of the tumor, lymph node involvement, and the PSA level at the time of diagnosis.