Friday, 29 July 2022

5 Things You Should Know About Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi

The prostate is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancer in males worldwide. AC estimates that about 26 8490 men got
Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi so far. The prostate is a small gland present in the lower abdomen of males.

It is near the bladder and surrounds the urethra. 

In addition, the prostate gland will produce a seminal fluid called semen. The gland will secret a substance that contains sperm that exits the urethra during ejaculation.

When normal and malignant growth of cells, called tumor forms in the prostate, it's called prostate cancer that can spread to other parts of the body. 

Since cancer cells get made from the prostate, it's prostate cancer. 

What are the types of prostate cancer?

Almost all cases of prostate cancer are a type of cancer called adenocarcinoma that multiplies in the tissue of the gland. Nevertheless, there is another type of cancer that originates in the prostate, and it may include small cell carcinoma and neuroendocrine tumor. 

What are the recommended prostate cancer screening methods? 

ACS will suggest Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi as people become older. First, it recommends men talk to doctors about the pros and cons of screening for prostate cancer during an annual exam. For males at very high risk, it's a first-degree relative, who had prostate cancer at an age less than 65. 

Before you decide to go for the test, you need to get the information available. It has uncertainty, benefit, and risk of prostate cancer treatment.

You and your doctor can decide on which test is better for you. Your doctor can tell you how the prostate cancer has spread using a staging system. Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi will consider the extent of the tumor, lymph node involvement, and the PSA level at the time of diagnosis.

Friday, 8 July 2022

Best Urologist in Delhi, Senior Urologist in Delhi NCR | Dr. Anshuman

 A urologist is a specialist in treating conditions affecting the urinary tract of people and issues related to the reproductive system.   These issues range from simple problems like issues related to urination to huge problems like not being able to be parents.

 Urologists specialize in treating these disorders related to the urinary system and reproductive system.

Problems Urologists can treat

Urologists can treat joint and rare issues that may or may not be gender-dependent.

Various conditions that urologists can treat are as follows: to a different 

  • Urinary tract infections

  • Blood in urine

  • Inability to control urination 

  • Problems related to the male reproductive system, such as prostatic hyperplasia, benign, etc.

  • Interstitial cystitis

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Kidney cancer, cancer-related to prostate, etc.

  • Kidney stones

  • Problems related to Congenital urinary tract issues

What procedures do urologists follow?

 Urologists start by doing tests to check the condition of the patients. 

The tests that urologists usually perform are:

  • Imaging tests include ultrasound or MRI. They allow the urologists to view the interior of the urinary tract.

  • They may also ask the patient for a cystogram, which takes X-ray images of the urinary bladder.

  • A urologist may also perform a cystoscopy in which he uses a cystoscope to see the interiors of the urethra and urinary bladder.

  • They may carry out a post-void residual urine test to check the rate at which urine leaves the body while urinating. 

  • They also check the amount of urine left in the urinary bladder after urinating.

  • They may take a urine sample to check if there are bacteria in the urine that may result in infections.

Final words

Always try to consult the best urologist in Delhi. Talk to his prior patients and get an idea about his treatment procedures.

If you are looking for a urologist in Delhi, make sure that you research well before choosing.